Saturday, February 12, 2011


I am a little behind in my posting here at the blog! Working on a few new projects that are keeping me busy!

When I get busy, like I am now, twitter keeps me in touch with some amazing people! I use twitter quite a bit. For my new running life, I use @only1percent. I follow a few people and organizations that post positive, uplifting and/or informative posts about running or just staying fit in general.

Sometimes I feel like I am a fake on there, being that I am SO FAR away from them and being fit! That said, I post right on my profile what I am doing and what I want to accomplish. I suppose the word "fake" is not the right word. Hopefully you understand what I mean.

Anyway, follow me on twitter @only1percent if you are on there as well. Say hello! And get involved!

I think twitter and all those I am following there ROCK!

Monday, February 7, 2011

1st real workout in awhile

The sunshine is back and the ice and snow are gone...THANK GOODNESS!

So I got out there again today. I went 4.6 miles in 51 minutes, by far the most I have done so far.

All the Texas weather caused my Race to be postponed, but March is fine too! Decided to look for race #2 even though race #1 is not until spring!

I will keep you posted!

I am not even sure if I believe this article, but here it is, makes me feel pretty pathetic LOL

365 Marathons in ONE YEAR?!?!?!?!

The dude ran 365 marathons in ONE YEAR!!!

My goal suddenly seems small!


Friday, February 4, 2011

My 1st snow?

My 1st ever race is scheduled tomorrow. I have my bib. 


It has been an interesting weather week so I was doubting the event would go on. Then, we get hit with 6 inches of snow over night!!!

The event has been cancelled! They are rescheduling it for Saturday, March 12.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ice and Ice and Ice and Ice

Woke up really wanting to brave the cold and get in a couple miles....but, the storm has hit and the ground is ice!!!

This So Cal boy can barely walk to the car, jogging or even walking the neighborhood isn't happening!!!

I hear it will not get above freezing for at least 3 days and that is nuts!!!!

Southern California I miss you!!!!